Laputa: Castle in the Sky Fanlisting

Site Map


. About 
- The aim of constructing this fanlisting.

. Updates 
- Fanlisting and site updates.

. Rules 
- Rules to join this fanlisting.

. Join 
- The Joining Form to join this fanlisting.

. Codes 
- Choose one of the Codes if you have a website after joining this fanlisting. The codes here are dedicated for this fanlisting. It is an identification that you are a fans to Laputa, Castle in the Sky. (Just like your ID Card)

. Members 
- The Members joined this fanlisting.
- The Members vote for their most favorite Laputa character.


. Miyazaki
- Biography of Hayao Miyazaki.

. Information
- General Information about Laputa.

. Story
- Story outline of Laputa.

. Script
- English script of Laputa.

. Review
- Reviews from several animation review sites.

. Characters
- Introduction of the characters of Laputa.

. Gallery
- Screenshots from the animiation of Laputa.

. Art
- Art images from the animiation of Laputa.

. Wallpaper
- Wallpapers made by me or collected from the internet.

. Music
- Soundtrack information, lyrics and clef download.

. Collections
- Collections purchased in the market.

. Museum
- Hayao Miyazaki Museum in Japan.


. Topsites 
- Voting topsites related to Hayao Miyazaki.

. Webring 
- Hayao Miyazaki Webring, all sites related to him.

. Affiliates
- Link to sites affiliated to this fanlisting.

. Links
- Recommended links related to Hayao Miyazaki or related to animation.

. My Other Sites
- The links to my other sites.


. Skins
- The past and current skin/layouts of this fanlistings and my ideas for the designs.

. Awards
- Awards received.

. Credits 
- Information of this fanlisting and disclaimer.

. Site Map
- Overall content of this fanlisting.

. Donations
- Donations to support this fanlisting.

. Guestbook
- Words this fanlisting.

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Kats Anime Topsite

Designed by Jen in Oct 06 Designed by Jen in Apr 05 Designed by Jen in Apr 05

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